Bitcoin Basis 21 : The Bitcoin Standard When more people adopt bitcoin, its value rises due to the limited supply of 21 million bitcoin. This leads to even more use, more scale and a switch to the superior form of money. This will make fiat money obsolete and retire Central banks. A world based on the "Bitcoin standard", values math over underlying assets like gold, bank promises or the central bank theatre. The certainty and verifiable truth of Bitcoin is the real underlying value. With bitcoin, we don't have to switch fiat currencies with every power shift, or every few decades. Bitcoin ends this endless cycle of debt, inflation and war, for good. Long-term time preferences prefer greater certain rewards in the future, while short-term time preferences are aimed at immediate gratification. A Bitcoin standard promotes a phylosophy of a long-term time preference and can achieve much more socially, culturally and monetaryly than today's fiat money standard. Which is based on exploitation and oppression, enforcement and inflation, to serve the old rulers. In a Bitcoin standard, people have more to do than pay taxes, buy useless stuff, or waste unearned money encouraged by marketing. We can improve money as a concept by moving from proof-of-stake and fiat to proof of work. From a central old way of thinking to a decentralized way of working, via Bitcoin. This is better for humanity than materialism, pollution, generational inequality, laziness and consumerism. Bitcoin is a peaceful revolution, the Bitcoin standard is its natural conclusion.