Bitcoin Basis 20 - Get Bitcoin Bitcoin can be acquired through various means, and it's not too late to get into bitcoin. Almost everyone since 2011 thought they were too late. You can either: buy it, earn it or mine it. Mining remains possible, although it’s more suited for tech-savvy people. Miners can either join a pool, sharing the work or mine independently for block rewards and earn transaction fees. Pooled mining offers a fraction of the reward, while solo mining is far less likely to find a block. Earning bitcoin can be done as well. In many countries, employers can pay wages in bitcoin. Bitcoin's circular economy also allows for swapping bitcoin for anything in local communities. Person to person bitcoin trading is a way to help the circular bitcoin economy, earning bitcoin with your skills, proceeds and work. The most common method, however, is buying it. This can be done online through either centralized or decentralized services. Examples of decentralized services are robo sats, Peach bitcoin and Bisq network. Centralized exchanges like offer purchases with verified accounts. Other examples include , offering dollar cost averaging while holding your own keys. It's essential to avoid exchanges encouraging high risk leverage trading or multi-level promo schemes. Do your own research as well.