Bitcoin Basis - 18 – Distance and Time Bitcoin is extra valuable because of two characteristics in particular: its transportability over distance and time. Bitcoin can be used worldwide, both over great distances and in the same space between two people. This, in contrast to fiat money, which often loses its value at a country's border. This also means that bitcoin holders can pass on their own value to future generations. They can store, preserve and transfer value to themselves or others over extended periods of time at no additional cost, and without wear and tear or extra risk. Fiat money changes its form regularly. Older banknotes may become worthless or will no longer be accepted as per government decree. Fiat money also continues to decline in purchasing power over the longer term. Bitcoin allows for value transfer between generations and great distances of a global currency. The Bitcoin network acts as a net of monetary value that is spread all over the world, in which anyone can participate. Unlike fiat money, which often stops at national borders and depends on third party approval. Bitcoin is immune to these restrictions and just offers long-term value and security. Bitcoin enables value retention across generations for everyone. This privilege used to be reserved for the upper classes of society. Bitcoin has made this privilege accessible to everyone worldwide. @avbpodcast -